Sunday, 29 July 2012

This weeks theme: Circles
Yes I know that this photo doesn't capture "Circles" all too well, but it was the only one that I took this week that sort of fit the description...Jc Epidemic came to our school and I just happened to have my camera with me. I though it turned out great. I figure that even if it doesn't fit the criteria that well, the main point it that I have fun doing it. :D
Next Weeks Theme: Black and White.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Sports Carnival

Here are just a few photos from my school sports carnival. Sorry they are a little late....Enjoy!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Theme: Upside Down
This photo I took with my 50mm lens and it is of my macro lens which when held out at a distance it flips the image upside down. I thought it was pretty cool :)
Next Weeks Theme: Circles 

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Theme: Skyline
This picture I took a little while ago when I was over at gardener falls. We stopped of to have a look at the Glass House Mountains and I thought I would take a shot. It turned out ok but I am 100% sure that I could do better. Anyhow this is my picture of a Skyline of the Glass House Mountains.
Next Weeks Theme: Upside Down 

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Thought I might play around with a bit of Black and White. I thought it turned out quite nicely :)

Here is my lovely dog Sasha. She is the best dog ever and I thought..Why not take a sweet picture of her :D

Sunday, 8 July 2012

This weeks theme: Neon
Sorry it is a day late...
This photo was the closest thing to a neon themed photo that I could get this week....but I could definitely get a better one if I could drive myself. Unfortunately I can this is my result...Turned out alright though :)

Next weeks theme: Skyline
Hmm this next one might be tricky...